In today’s episode, we’re talking with storyteller extraordinaire and speaker coach, Sally Z about what masterful storytelling really is and how we may be missing 2 vital pieces to our stagecraft.
Sally has spoken in front of thousands of people, coached hundreds of speakers – and has been featured in dozens of media as an expert in the field of presentation and speaker development.
While most speaker coaches focus on creating more ‘perfect’ presentations, Sally’s focus is on bringing human connection back to the front of the room through clear, compelling, authentic and intentional experiences.
What’s not to love about that?
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Taylorr: Welcome to another episode of Technically Speaking. We’re your hosts, Taylorr and Austin and today we’re talking with storytelling, extraordinaire and speaker coach Sally about what masterful storytelling really is and the two missing pieces to really all of our presentations. Now, Sally has spoken in front of thousands of people, coached hundreds of speakers and is known as an expert in the presentation and storytelling space. While most speaker coaches focus on the more perfect presentation side of things, Sally believes that if we can create a more human, authentic, compelling relationship at the front of the room and be intentional with our messaging we can create presentations that move and persuade. And what’s not to love about that? As always stick around until the end for some awesome resources that Sally is providing us to help master this craft, and we hope you enjoy this one. Sally, we made it.
Sally: Hey.
Taylorr: Welcome to the show.
Sally: Hello, I’m so excited to be here. Taylorr and Austin you’re my new BFFs.
Austin: Oh, wow what a… [crosstalk 01:25].
Taylorr: We’re honored.
Sally: I went too far; I went too far. [Crosstalk 01:27]
Taylorr: No. [Crosstalk 01:28].
Austin: You’re making me blush. Oh, but honestly, we’re getting into this prep for this episode today and we’re looking at your three digits podcast numbers. The 300 mark has been broken for you, which I feel almost a little bit intimidated, like…
Sally: Oh my gosh. [Crosstalk 01:48].
Austin: Toddler of the…
Sally: Don’t
Austin: Right.
Sally: Don’t do that. I started way back before people even understood what podcast were. Most people were like podcast what? What is that? And now it’s just a part of how we do content and so many people have a podcast, which is awesome because it is such amazing way to show up and be with your audience and serve them and love them. But I started so long ago I feel like the first 250 don’t really count, so in that way, we’re really at the same level.
Austin: Yeah.
Taylorr: Austin we have another like 200 episodes to film before we’re even getting started.
Austin: I’m terrified. I’m terrified. Not really though, it’s super cool. Here’s the thing about podcasting. It kind of seems these days like it’s becoming commoditized, there’s so many podcasts and especially in this space because a lot of thought leaders either have or want a podcast someday so it’s gets talked about a lot, but in the grand scheme of things in compared to blogging for example, it is minuscule how many podcasts there are out there. So really, it’s [crosstalk 02:53] …
Sally: That’s such a good reminder. It’s good to hear because you do start to feel like, oh my gosh, I’m just this one little person in the sea of leaders and thought leaders in this area so that’s actually really good perspective. I think the difference is I don’t read blogs anymore.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Austin: For sure.
Taylorr: Is that right?
Sally: I’m just like eh, I want to experience it more and I want to get to know people more, that’s why I’m a speaker. Podcasting at least for me, that was the way that I felt most comfortable in stepping outside of the stage and showing up consistently I felt like it was doable and the options in my mind were a video show or a podcast, and I was like podcast. We are going podcast.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: I did not feel ready for video back in 2015 or whatever when I started and now, I’m all about video, but it took me a while. Even as a speaker, put me on stage no problem, but video felt new.
Austin: Yeah. It’s something get used to it. I know luckily everybody listening right now, they know what that’s like staring into the sight clops of a camera with no reactions on the other end sometimes.
Sally: Right, now we are all living the video life.
Taylorr: That’s right, yeah.
Austin: That’s true. We’re stepping into it together. That’s the best part. It’s a communal thing, we’re going to get through it, as a tribe.
Sally: It’s interesting because when I think back about podcasting days when it was purely audio, there was something in the same way that we like to just listen to audio sometimes it can feel like a very intimate experience, so n some ways I loved the just audio world, but it was just time to evolve to the next place so now, video, audio, everything’s kind of happening together.
Austin: Yeah.
Sally: In one recording right, is that how you guys do this, right?
Taylorr: That’s right.
Sally: One recording that becomes…
Taylorr: One recording in all the formats we need. It’s amazing.
Austin: Yep.
Sally: That’s brilliant. [Crosstalk 05:02]. You got this.
Taylorr: Yeah, right. That’s right, yeah exactly. So, Sally, we are here to talk storytelling. This is your forte I mean, it’s your very own. What lead you down that path to creating Be Moved? How did you even get there in storytelling? Folks, we’ve got a powerful episode plan for you guys so [crosstalk 05:22].
Sally: I’m so excited. Yes, I am a speaker and a speaker coach, and my real belief is that our purpose as speakers is to move our audience. That’s of course why we take the risk to step out front, why we share what is truest about ourselves, why we step out front and say this is who I am, this is what I believe, this is what I know, because we want to do something with that moment. It’s not just here’s what I know, but here’s who I am and so I empower big hearted entrepreneurs, change makers, thought leaders to leverage the power of speaking, like all of your listeners are wanting to do as well so that they can grow their impact, their authority and their revenue without sacrificing their authentic voice. And I think that is really the key because you can go follow all the take these steps, do this, but if you are not stepping out fully human, fully as yourself and storytelling is the way to do that such a powerful pathway, then it’s not going work.
That is why we are here; this is what we do. And I started out as a speaker, but almost within months I started coaching right alongside my speaking. I was out talking to high school students and middle school students about these ideas of kindness, courage and respect, and is an incredible way to learn the skills and the finesse and the mastery of storytelling and public speaking because you know exactly where they’re at, you get instant, sometimes brutal feedback but I love them, I love speaking to high school kids it’s an amazing way to learn the ropes. But very quickly as I was out doing that my colleagues were tapping into my natural gift for being able to see people and see what they needed as they were finessing their work and their talks and their messages. So, it’s always been a part of what I do both speaking and speaker coaching I love them both, I love the magic that can happen between speaker and audience. It’s unlike anything else, it’s like the best experience and feeling even if you’re like, I don’t know if I’m a speaker but I’m like, oh, you get out there and then you are, then you are.
Austin: That’s the truth for sure. It’s such a natural thing too, storytelling and speaking, well on one side it’s terrifying for people. There’s the statistics that show more people are afraid of the public speaking than dying and that says something but at the same time, storytelling is the oldest of ways that humanity has exchanged ideas and passed down teachings and connected to one another, so it’s built into us as human beings. [Crosstalk 08:35]. Challenging and especially doing it in a way that’s well, you use the word persuasive, where it helps people glean something in their lives like landing the plane so to speak, taking the concepts and the ideas and doing it in a way that actually leads to knowledge being imparted on them. It’s hard despite it being a natural thing.
Sally: Yeah, we all know that storytelling is important. There’re a million books about it, everybody’s talking about it, but there’s a really big difference between storytelling, masterful storytelling that really creates a moment with your audience and then that last piece, exactly what you’re saying, Austin, which is really it’s what are we going to do with that moment? What is the meaning that you are creating from this? What are people supposed to take from this story that you’re telling? Rather than it being kind of a vanity exercise, it’s like I’ve got an amazing story to tell. I’m going spend all this time making sure that it’s awesome and then people don’t know what to do with that. That’s really my push for all of the speakers that I work with is not just the moment, but what is the meaning that you are creating from that moment for your audience and how do you bring them into it? Because that’s the magic of stories. They bridge divides and make sense out of difficult ideas and topics that some people might feel alienated from, and it brings it to this really powerful human level. That’s why we want to use them, but most people don’t take it far enough I don’t think in their storytelling.
Taylorr: Yeah, so why is that? What do you think the hurdle is there for people? And what is far enough mean, do you think? What’s missing from their talks and what’s preventing them from having it?
Sally: Yeah, I coached someone years ago who was revered as this really incredible speaker and all he did was tell stories and they were amazing stories, super interesting and engaging because he was this explorer, he was out having unbelievable experiences and people were enthralled with it. And I was invited in to do some coaching for him, and I think he was surprised that I was like I love your stories, but I don’t think your people, your audience is walking away knowing what to do with it. You’re kind of teasing them a little bit with the significance of it, I think he felt and this is a theme that I hear from my speakers over the years, which is I don’t want to be too pedantic, I don’t want to be at all belittling of people, they’re smart enough, I’m just going let them take from it what they will. In some ways I really respect that instinct because we don’t want to treat our audience like they’re dumb but we’re missing out on the opportunity to shape meaning and understanding, which is why you have been hired. That is why you are there. Awesome story, it’s not just entertainment. If we really want to step into thought leadership, we have to move beyond entertainment to perspective shaping. That’s thought leadership.
Austin: It’s kind of like it’s about what you’re trying to create at the same time. There’s a place for storytelling that doesn’t need to have an outcome it’s art. That’s what art is.
Sally: Absolutely.
Austin: It’s conveying ideas and it’s a good thing, especially if it’s a business or there’s a point here, there’s a transformation you want to see happen. We have to have this outcome there has to be something that people walk away with it. Because although they can pull their own meanings from it, the context of the storytelling is what makes those lessons more easy to learn. That’s probably not the right sentence to use there, but…
Sally: Absolutely.
Austin: If we want people to actually absorb what we’re saying, the storytelling is the vehicle to get there but, the concept is really the important thing.
Sally: Absolutely. I completely agree with you. And its sort of like how I think about so many people come to me and they’re like, I really want to use stories more, but I don’t have any stories. I am not the explorer…
Taylorr: I get that.
Sally: Right?
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: Who’s going out, I haven’t faced down…
Taylorr: Climbed Mount Everest, faced death, yeah. I’m not exciting. That Type of…
Sally: I’m not exciting.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: I haven’t led those adventures and I just did a training inside my Facebook group about this the other day, where I was like, okay first of all we have to banish that thought from our heads that we don’t have stories to tell, because if you think that, then you are missing out on the magic of the everyday and that is our job as speakers is to see things differently. To see what is happening around us in the everyday and if you’re not you got to slow down and start paying attention because there might be something magical happening in the line next to you at the grocery store that is story worthy, that you are missing because you’re just heads down and stressed and overwhelmed. We have to create space in our lives to see that kind of thing, because your perspective is what people are wanting from you. The storytelling is the gift horse. Then we feed the lesson through it.
Austin: That’s right I can even think of a perfect example of this. Jason Hewlett, shout out Jason Hewlett.
Taylorr: Hey Jason.
Austin: He had a post go viral, a social media post go viral about him seeing his wife standing in line at the store, and he was looking at her oh, that’s a really beautiful woman that it turns out that’s his wife and it’s a super sweet story. I love it, you can still find it on the internet.
Sally: Amazing.
Austin: But yeah, that was the finding the exceptional in the mundane. It’s a small little moment but it teaches a lesson and that’s the whole point of storytelling. It doesn’t even have to be an exciting wow kind of moment for it to still be impactful for people and it’s easy to forget that.
Sally: Well, the thing is, it being wow or story worthy is really up to you. It is up to you to apply the perspective or the insight to see something that is there. Another person could just have moved through that moment and not seen the story in that moment, but we have to dig a little bit deeper and create that sort of space in our lives that we can see, your wife next to you.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Austin: That’s right.
Sally: I love that moment.
Taylorr: Do you ever find that it’s difficult… because they had this idea of telling powerful stories that persuade. Do you feel like more speakers are able to tell powerful stories and that’s not the problem and it’s the persuasion piece that’s difficult? Is it the persuasion piece that we focus on too much and not enough stories? What do you see as a coach out there where that balance is? Is it kind of right down the middle and…?
Sally: Yeah.
Taylorr: Yeah. What do you see?
Sally: Well, I spent some time in grad school studying how to persuade basically.
Taylorr: Okay, nice.
Sally: And it’s an emotional vehicle. Persuasion happens through emotion. Now some people take that too far and then we’re talking manipulation and that exists out there. We all know of those people are just like, they’re just taking it too far, and you’re like I no longer believe you. That’s not real but what I’m talking about, and how we are persuaded is when we feel connected to a real human being. Which means that we as speakers have to show up fully as our human selves, not the perfected polished, doing it exactly right all the time. We know those leadership speakers who are out there and they’re like, here’s how I achieved what I achieved, and I am amazing. Just do what I’ve done, and you’ll be amazing too right, I was like awesome for you buddy, great.
Taylorr: Great.
Sally: And we might admire that from afar and appreciate it and say that person does know what they’re doing and that’s great. But we ourselves, as from an audience perspective, don’t feel like we can do that and so it creates division between ourselves and our audience rather than them feeling connected and that they can do it too. And so, we have to show up more imperfectly, honestly. That is one of the biggest hurdles I’m trying to help my speakers get to is to like take off the layers of perfection that they feel such a need to share because they’re convinced their credibility is built on how perfectly they show up and it’s really the opposite.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Austin: Wow, I feel that in my bones.
Sally: Really?
Taylorr: I watched a sizzle reel, several of them, we see sizzle… of course, all the three of us here we probably watch sizzle reels all the time, it’s like Netflix at this point but so many of them it’s this… for those who are listening I’m sitting up nice and proper here, they’re phrasing is just so perfect like they’re showing up, you almost watch the reel and you’re like, this isn’t how people should talk. It almost like it feels too perfect, it feels oddly utopia [inaudible 18:29] and none of us are like that. We’re scrappy human beings all just trying to figure out this crazy chaotic world and we got to show up authentically to make that relatability happen, without that… because that’s what I find myself as an audience member I love the most is when somebody’s not creating that division but I can relate to the stories that they’re telling, even if I can acknowledge that maybe they’re further along and they have a lot of great accomplishments and they’re weaving their personal story and there’s always this powerful authenticity that comes with great speakers that can take these hard ideas that you may not have experienced yourself yet, but yet still vicariously live through them because of the story that they’re telling and how they’re relating to you.
Sally: Absolutely.
Taylorr: There’s just not much more powerful talks than those.
Sally: Right. What we admire from an audience perspective is we admire and want to step in closer to those people who are brave. And when we see somebody, we know they’re speaking to their edge where you’re like the story is a hard one to tell. People are like it’s not just technically, the human being that’s sucked into the car accident like, oh my gosh, what’s going to happen. It’s not just that, it’s the respect and empathy that gets created when we’re like, this person is doing something brave and even if they fall on their faces, I am cheering them on. And I want to step in closer to that person that is somebody that I will follow, and we just have been trained for so many years to believe that when you are a speaker, when you are a leader, you cannot show the messy middle, you can’t show the journey there. It’s just like you’re the expert, you’re the thought leader and now that means I have to shore up, cover up, never let them see you sweat, never let them see the tough stuff and it’s completely antithetical to what we are ultimately trying to do, which is to influence and persuade. We’ve got to be more human to do that.
Taylorr: It’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself too.
Sally: Yeah.
Taylorr: Right?
Sally: And it’s not even realistic. That’s what’s funny, it’s…
Taylorr: That’s the worst part about it.
Sally: The worst part about it, it feels crappy to the person who’s doing it, it’s uninspiring to the audience, but it feels safer. I think in the moment we really have to fight against that natural instinct even in that last moment, to cover up and perfect.
Austin: This has always been true, I think for people that are in the public eye, frequently speakers, leaders, these are good example of this because they’re constantly in front of people but…
Sally: Yeah.
Austin: I think that concept is sort of penetrating normal people’s lives with things like social media.
Taylorr: That’s true.
Austin: Where we’re constantly just looking at people’s highlight reels and that puts so much pressure on us to be that way too, to just only show the good stuff and…
Sally: Yeah.
Austin: I don’t know, to your point, that’s the easy thing to do really, because we’re taking away that fear response that we have when we’re on the edge like you were just talking about, but…
Sally: Yeah.
Austin: It’s also the thing that it doesn’t connect with you.
Sally: Well, what’s interesting is we were talking earlier about when I first started doing podcasting, I was like audio only please, because I have a crazy face and I’m just not sure if I’m ready for [inaudible 22:04].
Taylorr: Because I have a crazy face. That was your first worry? Wow Sally.
Sally: It’s very expressive. Very expressive but now I respect that [inaudible 22:15]. You know what your face is? It’s fine. Anyway…
Austin: You got a good face Sally.
Sally: [Inaudible 22:23] Oh my gosh, okay.
Austin: Podcasting video over audio only.
Sally: Yes okay. And the more I’ve done video, and everybody knows this, but the more you do that, the more allowance you give yourself to show up, because what you learn is that my most polished videos were not the ones where I got the most reaction to, were not the ones where people were like, oh, I feel that’s so true. They didn’t feel resonance when it was so outside of what their experience in reality is and from a very practical standpoint, it’s just a good reminder that the more we do this, the freer hopefully we will feel to show up because you trust yourself and you trust that it’s going be okay, and that people will appreciate it. I have a good friend who she’s got a huge following on Instagram, and she has started a no filter policy for herself, where she has promised herself that she’s not going use any filters because she was just seeing this damage that it started to create this distance between her and her audience where they’re like, I can’t relate to the perfection that I’m seeing here. Because most of us were not camera ready all the time walking around in our day and I have adopted that as well and I’m saying this aloud like every once in a while, I’m like, I could really use a filter today.
Taylorr: Yeah, that’s right. You hop into zoom, and they do that auto filter thing. You’re like, oh, that’s better.
Sally: It took me a while to find that and then I was like, this is amazing.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: Here’s the problem, when I took that filter off, I was like, wait a second. Is this what I look like?
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: Oh My gosh.
Taylorr: Sally, I was legit concerned about buying the 4k camera for that reason I was like, people don’t need to be seeing my pores, 720 is fine.
Sally: Amen brother.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: I was in this studio a few weeks ago, recording some stuff and usually I’m just in my home studio, we’re not super fancy around here. But I had a studio for some recording of a bunch of random things and same thing I was like, holy cow. That is real detailed.
Taylorr: Real detailed.
Sally: Oh, Okay. Thank you for having a professional makeup artist here. There are times where you want to go for the full-scale…
Taylorr: The context, yeah.
Sally: It’s context. That’s exactly what it’s context [inaudible 25:01]. Yeah.
Taylorr: Nice.
Sally: [Inaudible 25:04].
Taylorr: One thing that… I feel like we can just talk forever and ever, we got to bring it home, but there’s one thing that I have to ask you about and I think this gets some conflict in our industry a little bit and it’s one of your principles that having a number one signature talk can help you is like the number one way to scale your business.
Sally: Yep.
Taylorr: We find that a lot of people have like resistance to that idea and…
Sally: I know.
Taylorr: I don’t know, do you know why there’s resistance to that idea? Can you share with us why having a signature talk is so important? What’s going on here?
Sally: I really do believe that a signature talk is an incredibly powerful tool to help you scale your business and if you want to leverage speaking to help you grow your business, then you definitely need a signature talk. I define it as a repeatable, scalable, profitable talk that you can use and use in all kinds of different ways. Becomes a pillar of your message, your authority, and the reason why it’s so powerful is exactly for the reasons that people resist it, which is it’s repeatable and it’s scalable. The repetition is really important, and I understand the resistance because people’s resistance around repetition is they’ll think it’s inauthentic because if they’ve heard it before, then they’re going see this little game I’m playing, that I’m taking shortcuts of some kind and that’s a really good thing to be on the lookout for. It’s a good instinct to have, but if you are customizing your content to the context in the moment, actually it’s going have a different flavor and you should not be carbon copying when you repeat, but it’s really about consistency of message across your whole platform, across the network of ways that we show up and are visible in our thought leadership. Repetition, we all know it’s really important for getting your message through to people, we’re underestimating the value of hearing a message repeatedly and we really think we must be awesome because people are not actually seeing all of your stuff. So, when we’re like…
Taylorr: That’s right.
Sally: I’m so worried about repeating my content. It’s like…
Taylorr: Who’s Showing up to your talks twice, because I haven’t had that happen yet. How rare is that really for somebody.
Sally: Right. And how many times have you sat in an audience with somebody? And you’re like, oh I love this story, oh I’ve heard this story before and there’s something really special about that as well. From an audience perspective, there’s more benefit as long as you are really contextualizing and personalizing to the moment, but the ratio instead of creating something from scratch every time, which is so stressful.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: And you’re throwing content out there that hasn’t been vetted so that’s not great, from a speaker perspective, this is how you get to mastery. This is how you become an incredibly skilled speaker and it is not you go on autopilot; it allows you to show up and be really present and connect with your audience. You want to show up and be an experience, that magical connection, that human to human connection that can happen. You can’t do that when you’re creating new content all the time because you’re up in your head instead of being really in your body and really present with people. I think the benefits outweigh the concerns about repetition.
Taylorr: Yeah.
Sally: For sure. And then the scalable piece is just really important because if you’re showing up on podcasts like we really need to be doing in terms of our visibility, fill in the blank, all the other hundreds of ways that we are trying to get our message out there, it will help you become known around that one idea.
Austin: This makes total sense to me and as you’re talking, I’m kind of drawing parallels to other spaces. Isn’t this kind of like the appeal of live music in some way? I’ve listened to an album a thousand times of my favorite bands and I still love it to this day, and if I go see it live when they play that song, I’m stoked, I’ve heard it a bunch of times, but…
Sally: Exactly.
Austin: And then like there’s little things that that band will do when they get on stage, hey, Salt Lake City, so good to be here, and its cool cause you feel connected to the thing. The same thing with movies, I’ve watched my favorite movies three dozen times.
Sally: Totally.
Austin: Probably everybody listening to this show can relate to those things so it’s kind of just as you’re saying this, it’s just kind of weird to me that, that resistance is there and this feeling like repetition is a bad thing is so common in this space, but it’s true for almost every other craft that’s out there.
Sally: Yeah. And I do think it’s important to note that eventually you may have two or three signature talks, that are built into different parts of your business that you’re leveraging for different topics. But to begin with, I think the pathway for most speakers start off just talking about anything, saying yes to everything and you’re trying to figure out your message, and there comes a point where you’re like, this doesn’t work for me anymore.
Taylorr: Yep.
Sally: My speaking isn’t growing my business, my speaking is causing more stress than it feels worth it to me and that’s when you’ve got to start shifting from just, I speak to I’m a keynote speaker with a signature talk at least one, then you’re building your business around that.
Taylorr: That’s right. I love that idea too, because we say this all the time and I think with the clientele you work with too, you see this, but speaking is often not the only vehicle that our business is making money.
Sally: Right.
Taylorr: It’s the best advertising mechanism in the world. We get paid 10 grand to show up on stage and tell beautiful stories then it makes more business on the backend. That is an amazing thing that we have available to us, so often there’s other ways to generate business past the point of speaking and without laser focus on the talk we’re giving, there’s no potential for generating more talk, there’s no potential for generating more business from our clients, selling more books because the messaging just kind of feels disjointed and we don’t as an audience, know how to take action on that.
Sally: Right. Yeah. No, I think that’s exactly right.
Taylorr: Yeah. Man, what a lesson. I think it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds with our own talks. It’s funny, so many speakers they’ll go through these phases of having clarity on their idea and then for whatever reason, something knocks us off balance. We start second guessing ourselves, we start saying oh wow, virtual is really important so let’s do presentation skills instead. I think the lesson that I’ve taken away from this episode is that it’s really about that focus and if we can just lock into that and deliver that message consistently, we’re going end up seeing the results of it and sometimes we have to grit through it, we have to be a little bit more disciplined, we have to let the shiny object step away, but really sounds like this idea focus and getting people to one, be persuaded telling the same message consistently that’s the stuff that’s going yield the results pretty regularly. Nice.
Sally: The signature talk is a really powerful tool and it’s amazing to me, how many speakers out there are like, well, I have a talk, but I don’t know if it’s a signature talk. I’m like, that’s really interesting because I’m curious what that difference is for most people and what they tell me is a signature talk feels different, they feel like they’re showing up less as an expert and more as a thought leader. And that’s exactly the shift that I’m trying to push my speakers to make is it’s not just about what you know, it’s really about who you are and what you want to help other people see and how you want to move them and the change that you want to create.
Taylorr: Wow.
Sally: And when you step into that, then you’re in signature talk mode. It’s like, okay, what is the message I’m going orient myself around? What do I want to be known for? That’s deeper than the workshop content that you might have. It’s deeper than the top 10, five ways, et cetera, et cetera. That is great and helpful for people but it’s different, we’re shifting people the next level.
Taylorr: Wow, that is the golden nugget right there folks, so take your notebooks out, write that down. Sally, as you know, especially since you’ve been contributing to this episode so much, we are all about creating value for our audience. What are some of the things you’re working on right now that our listeners can benefit from?
Sally: Yes. I have two key programs that I’m super jazzed about and one is to help people develop a signature talk it’s called the Signature Talk Studio, and that opens a few times a year. And what I would love to encourage people to do if they are thinking about like, okay, I’ve got to talk and I really want to shift into whatever the signature talk world is, there is a jumpstart kit that I would love to share with people to help you step into that space and it’s got some great exercises to think about how you answer that question? What do I really want to be known for? And how do I start to create the building blocks of a signature talk? So, we’ll I think put the links in the…
Taylorr: In the description.
Sally: Show notes [crosstalk 34:55].
Taylorr: Into the show notes, you got it. That’s right, podcasters here. You can tell, we have to go through this line a lot you guys listening, so of course the link will be in the show notes feel free to click that and hey, listen, if you like this episode, don’t forget to rate it, like it, subscribe to it, if you want more awesome resources like this go to Thank you so much for chiming in, I just wanted to take a second to thank our sponsor Auxbus. Auxbus is the all-in-one suite of tools you need to run your podcast, and it’s actually what we run here at Speaker Flow for Technically Speaking. It makes planning podcasts simple; it makes recording podcasts simple; it even makes publishing podcasts to the masses simple and quite honestly, Technically Speaking wouldn’t be up as soon as it is without Auxbus. Thank you so much Auxbus. And if you are interested in checking Auxbus out, whether you’re starting a podcast, or you have one currently get our special offer flow or click the link below in our show notes.