S. 2 Ep. 19 – How Scrappy Marketing Works In Your Favor

Picture of Cece Payne

Cece Payne

Marketing Coordinator at SpeakerFlow - Follow us on social media to stay in the flow!

Cece Payne

Marketing Coordinator at SpeakerFlow - Follow us on social media to stay in the flow!
Technically Speaking S 2 Ep 19 - How Scrappy Marketing Works In Your Favor with SpeakerFlow and Colton Briner

In today’s episode, we’re talking about marketing and, more specifically, how you don’t need overblown marketing campaigns, strategy, etc to see great results.

In fact, being scrappy can often be an advantage over your better-known competitors.

To prove this point, we’ve invited Colton Briner. Colt is a virtual chief marketing officer and founder of Scrappy AF Marketing, supporting clients across a wide variety of industry verticals.  Over the last 20, years he has worked as a combination product manager, brand strategist, marketing exec, and industry evangelist.

Colt believes the only thing getting in our way from standing out from the crowd when it comes to marketing is creativity. It’s that creativity, combined with being scrappy, that can ignite your marketing efforts.

So join us as we unpack how to be scrappy, more creative, and take more market share.

As always, stick around until the end for some resources.

See you there!

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✅   Download Colt’s 10 strategies to increase creative capacity: https://scrappyafsolutions.com/strategies-for-building-creativity/

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Taylorr: Welcome to another episode of Technically Speaking. We’re your host, Taylorr, and Austin and in today’s episode, we’re talking about marketing and more specifically how you don’t need overblown marketing campaigns, strategy, and so on to see great results. What I mean by overblown is something that’s extremely complicated. Marketing can be a really simple thing. In fact, being scrappy can often be an advantage over your better-known competitors. to prove this point, we have invited on Colton Briner. Colt is a virtual chief marketing officer and founder of Scrappy AF Marketing, which supports clients across wide varieties of industry verticals. And over the last 20 years, he has worked as a combination product manager, brand strategist, marketing exec, and industry evangelist. 

Colt believes the only thing getting in our way from standing out from the crowd when it comes to marketing is creativity. It’s that creativity combined with being scrappy that can ignite your marketing efforts. So join us as we unpack how to be scrappy, more creative, and take more market share. As always stick around until the end for some awesome resources and we’ll see you in there. And we are live, Colt man, welcome to the show. It’s so good to have you and I am loving your background. My God, that’s just so good-looking.

Colton: Dig it right on, thank you gents. I’m getting a little facial hair intimidation going on here next…

Taylorr: Aw, no. Don’t be.

Colton:…time. I’m going to step up my game. 

Austin: No, man. You got the…

Taylorr: Not a prerequisite.

Austin: Classy sort of five o’clock shadow thing happen. I like it man.

Colton: It took me eight days bro.

Austin: That’s good man. You know honestly, when you first jumped on, I didn’t even know whether your background was a virtual one or not because it’s so crisp…

Colton: Legit?

Austin: It’s legit, right?

Taylorr: Yeah, it’s really good.

Austin: So what’s the green around it? Is it…

Colton: So this is preserved reindeer moss. Literally comes out of Ukraine.

Austin: Wow.

Colton: And I swear dude, they harvest this stuff off the forest floor with a shovel. It had so many pine cones in it. It was just a mess. I had to just meticulously picking this debris out of the material and then I finally put it up on the wall. Also good for sound control.

Austin: Wow, man, interesting. Holy cow. I’m feeling inspired…

Colton: Nature’s…

Austin: All of a sudden.

Colton: Sound panel.

Taylorr: Well Colt man it’s awesome to have you on. We are really excited about today’s topic. It’s kind of being scrappy, if you will…

Colton: It is.

Taylorr:…so, we got to your website because of course we got to do some research and one headline that really stood out was Modern Marketing With Some Stank On It.

Colton: Yeah.

Taylorr: Yeah. Can you explain? 

Colton: Again, we like to just make sure that we’re saying it correctly. It’s supposed to be stank! anyway.

Taylorr: Stank! 

Austin: Alright, got it. 

Austin: Everybody at home repeat that for yourselves let’s see how you get acquainted.

Colton: Yes, I’m going to put some stank on it today. That’s a good way to wake up in the morning. I see this a lot in sports metaphors. Like a fast pitch with some stank on it or a hockey shot with some stank on it. It’s just got that extra. You’re going to give it. Make it happen. Kind of going the extra, putting the extra edge on it. Don’t worry about maybe a little overshot sometimes because you went for it but I think in general, if you really put the extra effort into what you’re trying to create, it pays off always.

Austin: Man, isn’t that the truth? Even an effort that doesn’t work out but if we’ve really done our best, certainly those are the instances where we’re going to learn the most as well. And I think the more you go for it amplifies either the results that you get or the lessons that you learn. And that can be a beautiful thing as a business owner that’s trying to make progress fast.

Colton: That’s a really good point. Yes, I totally agree with that.

Taylorr: Yeah. So what does this whole idea of Scrappy AF come from? Tell us your backstory.

Colton: So I kind of grew up as a marketer in start-up businesses. They all have grown up to now, I guess they’re all in the tens of millions in revenue. One of them actually got up to unicorn status, the only unicorn in Cincinnati at the time. But when you’re working in a start-up environment, you kind of don’t have much or any money and you need to find different ways to stand out and grab market share from industry incumbents and deep pocketed competitors. And so I kind of cut my teeth in that space. And what I found is that if you have really strong strategies and creative execution, it’s not hard to outperform most large incumbents. Because they’re just kind of used to pouring money at the problem.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: And you can out flank them and bring creativity to capture market share from them pretty easily. And there’s actually one thing that works in favour of the scrappy startup, which is that the large incumbents kind of have to play it over safe, and scrappy startups, you sort of expect them to do unusual things. Gorilla marketing kind of stuff, creative and scrappy stuff and it fits. So if you take advantage of that opportunity, that advantage really, then you can go far fast.

Austin: Man, yeah. Isn’t that the truth? I was just listening to a Gary Vee clip, which very divisive character Gary Vee is…

Colton: Sure…

Austin: But he was talking about the difference that a smaller business has versus a corporation and is speaking to exactly what you just said. But the phrase that he used, that’s just been ringing in the back of my head since I heard it is that as a small business you can scale the unscalable. Do the thing that a large corporation just can’t do because it requires a smaller company. So for example, personally knowing all of your clients or…

Colton: Totally.

Austin: Being able to send a handwritten card. You can’t do that as a huge company or at least in a way that feels legitimately personal. Any corporation can print off some cards and send them to you in the mail and that could be a nice gesture, but this idea of scaling the unscalable, leaning into the fact that you have strengths as a small business that actually gives you the competitive edge over the bigger corporation that has the exact problems that you just outlined. So scale the unscalable, maybe that’s a phrase that our listeners can listen to as it relates to what you just said.

Colton: Yeah, If you could put a link to that one in this episode, I’d love to access that one myself.

Austin: Yeah. I’ll find it for sure. Yeah.

Taylorr: So you cut your teeth in this start-up world. What types of differences in marketing strategy would come up in comparison to larger companies? When you’re talking about getting creative, do you have any examples of that?

Colton: Sure, yeah. One of the ways that we really were able to stand out is at conferences where we had people that we were competing against buying 20 by 20, 20 by 40 booth space, taking up huge sort of showroom floor footprint. Like wow man, these guys are huge. And they have the hanging stuff from the ceiling and whatnot. So, what we did is, we got creative with our wardrobe and even if we didn’t actually have a booth present at the show because our people were all wearing very similar standout things like we would get like TucciPolo shoes. Really the kind of shoes people go, damn, tell me about those shoes man. Or we would get, I don’t if you guys remember from Shark Tank the Lapel Project. They did these custom design lapels that you can basically attach…

Taylorr: Yes.

Colton: To your own jacket. So it would go like branded colouring and we would have like eight dudes walking around wearing those custom lapels and it starts conversation. Tell me about that lapel man, what’s going on with that? And if you have your team prepared to engage in a conversation, know how to parlay that into a discussion and build a relationship, then you’re in really good shape. So we had our guys walking around throughout the entire conference and everybody else who was there, they’re all wearing their business outfits, but wherever my client was, you knew they were there.

Austin: Yeah.

Colton: Because they totally stood out. Another event we went to, I actually had my guys wearing, EMT outfits because we were in a medical conference, but they were called the Revenue Cycle Rescuers, which tied in with the client that we were working…

Taylorr: Wow.

Colton: With. And that obviously drew a lot of attention as well. Dimensional mailers, I get pretty nuts on dimensional mailers. I will give you guys a couple examples of that if you like see that stuff.

Austin: Yeah.

Colton: And what you’re talking about scaling the unscalable actually fits really well. So many of the that I work with are in the B2B space and they write fairly large contracts. And because they’re targeting a very small number of logos or potential clients, we can get super laser targeted to these guys and send in something in the mail that’s really special and get some attention. That’s scaling the unscalable kind of stuff and if you take advantage of that opportunity, well, you could send in something that would really get a conversation started.

Austin: Man I love that. Well, the first stage to selling and marketing is awareness, capturing that awareness. And I think sometimes big brands just make the assumption that they’ll have awareness because they are the biggest or the flashiest, or have the most brand recognition I guess you could say, in whatever space that they’re in. But there’s something to be said about a pattern disrupter. We just had an episode, one of our most popular episodes to date actually with Chris Gray, who’s a buyer psychologist. And he was talking about the importance of a pattern disrupt because it can cut through the noise and then it gives you the opportunity to create that engagement and then ultimately move that into a sales opportunity, should that be, the qualified scenario that you run into.

Colton: That makes…

Austin: Anyways I…

Colton: A ton of sense.

Austin: Yeah.

Colton: What I like about that is you really do have the opportunity these days, attention spans are kind of short.

Taylorr: Right.

Colton: And businesses that have not really done a good job of operating from purpose and building great loyalty can lose audience. And in fact, they can, now we see lose employees pretty quickly. So if you take advantage of the fact that there’s that fickleness in the marketplace, because somebody has not really built a strong relationship as a brand with their market, we use what’s called a lightning strike approach to that kind of disruption where you’re really blitzing into the market across multiple channels all at once with a coordinated campaign, that’s a pattern disruptor. There’s actually a lot of information on lightning strike marketing that you can get on the internet. If somebody’s really trying to understand how to disrupt that pattern, that would be a direction I would say you should be pursuing.

Austin: Lightning strike marketing. I’ve never even…

Colton: Yeah.

Austin: Heard that term. So you…

Colton: Wow.

Austin: Just officially taught me something new, thank you for that.

Colton: Yes.

Austin: Yes. For sure more of that today.

Austin: So we saw on your website and maybe, yes thank you. Man, I need one of those. 

Taylorr: Yeah, Seriously. You got a merch store [cross-talk 10:30].

Austin: So we were looking on your website and I think that maybe you’re already speaking to a couple of these elements, but there are eight strategies that you have or eight marketing principles, I think maybe is what you called them. Now, certainly we probably don’t have the time today to cover all eight, not to mention all eight would probably overwhelm the people that are listening to the show, but…

Colton: Totally.


Taylorr: Can you maybe help us understand the purpose behind identifying or labeling these eight things and then break down a couple of them for us so that we can kind of get a taste for your philosophy in this area.

Colton: Oh absolutely, yeah. So I’d say two of them that are actually pretty closely related and tied to what we were just talking about, which is purpose strives passion as one of the principles that we follow at Scrappy. And then this idea of fans. Fans are worth more than customers and fans want you to win. So in this day, really I think this idea of being a purpose-driven business matters more than it ever has. And I actually think that in the same ways that, I think way back into the 1800s something like electrification or line manufacturing, or now you’re coming forward in time to digitization and then web 1.0, web 2.0, social media. All these things were huge sea changes and defined major swaths of winners or losers in their relative marketplaces. I genuine believe in the 2020s purpose-driven is going to do the exact same thing. 

So if you got it, you’re going to crush it. If you don’t, you’re on your way out right now. So the reason I say this is because as we were talking about earlier, people have access to incredible capabilities now. They can start their own jam on a Tuesday, if they want to something that I’m passionate about. I can get into it, get it off the ground and start moving on my own. Individuals are enormously empowered. So if businesses don’t give you that extra piece, that passion, that purpose, that thing that I can connect to. It’s like, well I can buy the same thing from somebody else, or I can create it myself. So whether it’s retaining customers or it’s retaining your talent, being purpose-driven is critical element to winning in business today.

Austin: Oh man, I love that. I expect our listeners do too. And I have a hunch and I’m hoping that you can maybe break this for me, but there’s a lot of people that are listening and are like, oh, I’m totally purpose-driven.

Colton: Sure.

Austin: I would venture to say, every single person…

Taylorr: Yeah, for sure.

Austin: Listening to this right now is purpose-driven or calls themselves purpose-driven. So, how do you quantify that in a way that says this is in fact a purpose-driven business and it is one of those that will come out on top as that continues to become more important? Is there a box that you draw around it that people could identify really? Whether or not they’re living that out?

Colton: Yes. A 100%, yes. I have…

Taylorr: Do you see his face right there? He’s excited about that.

Colton: I know, right?

Austin: It’s good. Oh you’ve asked me the question.

Colton: Totally.

Taylorr: That is right.

Austin: Let’s do it.

Colton: So I have a purpose-driven self-assessment that I give to business leaders. And this is like intellectual honesty. You answer these questions with truth and you will find out if you’re purpose-driven or not. And a lot of them go, oh damn, I am not purpose-driven or we are not purpose-driven. It’s actually on scrappyafsolutions.com website in the resources section you can find the purpose-driven self-assessment. I can read some of these questions if you’re interested in hearing them.

Taylorr: Yeah, for sure.

Austin: Yeah, Let’s do it.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: So it’s like rate yourself from 1-100, 1 being in your dreams, 100 is we’ve nailed it. So examples, our company serves a clear visionary purpose with present day relevance. Our employees keenly understand how their work serves that purpose. Our leaders understand the economic benefit of being purpose-driven. Any member of our staff can stand in front of a mic and explain our purpose. And I’ll give you one more here, our customers see their patronage as a means to participate in and support our purpose.

Taylorr: Wow.

Colton: So there’s five more on there, but you guys get the idea. It’s a lot of businesses go, oh…

Austin: Right.

Colton: I wrote the slogan on the wall. Isn’t that the purpose driven. I thought we nailed that. This is what it looks like to operationalize purpose. And these days I’ve said this, I’ve been saying this lately, and I believe this very strongly, the radar that individual consumers or employees have to spot bs…

Taylorr: Yeah, bs detector.

Colton: And purpose. Totally. It’s finely tuned.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: So businesses that have the, I’ll call it platitude on the wall. They’re just not going to cut it.

Austin: Makes sense.

Taylorr: So, does this apply to smaller businesses? Think about the micro-business personal brands, speaker, coach, consultant. This idea of being purpose-driven, competing in a marketplace from your own experience too. What do you think?

Colton: I think deeply and even more so when you’re…

Taylorr: Oh really?

Colton: An individual…

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: And the reason that is because when you’re an individual everything is built on relationships.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: There’s something a little bit less personal about interfacing with a business, but when you’re a solopreneur or just going after a small business situation, you’re going to be the one directly interacting with your employees. You’re going to be the one directly interacting with your clients and your prospects, them detecting purpose in you is going be what makes it work.

Austin: Oh, man. I hope people listen to that…

Taylorr: Take notes.

Austin: Right there. Yeah. That’s an important thing. I like that you said too that the ideas to operationalize purpose, I think…

Colton: Yeah.

Austin: Is what you said. Because I know this is absolutely true for probably a lot of the listeners here that are either solopreneurs or have a small staff underneath them. It’s so easy to define yourself as being purpose-driven, let’s say.

Colton: Yeah.

Austin: But have that be just in your head. Where it’s not actually in the world somewhere and maybe we do have the slogan on our website or something, but it seems to me maybe even the first step is just documenting it somewhere. Putting this out there, this is what we do so that we can educate our buyers on it so that we can educate our employers on it or our employees on it, Because it has to just get out of our head. Would you agree with that?

Colton: I totally do. And there’s really some clear steps that you can take. So are your weekly meetings centred around purpose? Is it on the agenda? Do I see…

Taylorr: Are you having weekly meetings to begin with? 

Colton: Totally. That’s a good point.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: Do I see it in your reporting? Are your employees incentivized around purpose? Do they advance because of how well they drive purpose in your organization? Every level of your business needs to be infused with this idea. So that it’s not just a when we find time on evenings and weekends to make purpose happen, it’s everything we do, is for purpose. And I’ll give you an example of, I think this drives it home for a lot of people when I explain it this way. Blockbuster quite evidently got into the mindset that they were a DVD rental business, and especially you see this as toward the end of their sort of arc, they started to get a significant portion of their revenues from late fees. 

If blockbuster knew and operationalized that their purpose was entertainment at home, they would’ve been so much less likely to be disrupted by Netflix. Toro, Toro makes mowers. If Toro thinks that they’re in the mower business, instead of the, I want a blissful space in the back of my house business, then somebody who figures out how to make a laser that cuts your lawn in 2.4 seconds puts them out of business. Every business has to figure out what their purpose is in order to defend from disruption, to attract more clients and to retain better talent. And it really comes down to, this is what I would say is when you figure out the basic human need that you’re meeting, and if you want to look up a great list of human needs, the NVC human needs list is a really good one to look at. When you figure out what basic human need you’re meeting or needs you’re meeting. You can talk about what your purpose is actually doing.

Austin: I like that.

Taylorr: Wow. Nice, super actionable too. We will make sure there is a link to that in the show notes.

Austin: For sure. Okay. So I would love to get into one of the other marketing principles next, so we can keep that line going. But one final question on this idea of purpose. I think it’s easy to look at just all of the different components of creating a vision for your business is all sort of tying into purpose. So core values, for example, I could see that people could make their core values, their purpose or feel like that is closing that gap. And I wonder if you could really define what a well-structured purpose sort of looks like so somebody could maybe take those initial steps to formulate their thoughts that are in their head into something that’s concise and actionable.

Colton: Yeah. I actually have a breakdown of that, I would have to look it up for you, but really what you’re looking for is articulating the change that you’re delivering unto the world by being in business or whatever it is that you’re are putting your energy into. We’re all exchanging our life energy towards some outcome. Some people don’t realize that is what they are doing, but we are all doing it. And once you sort of accept that you’re in this exchange, then you could say, okay, well what is it that I am exchanging my life energy for. Now you could say the impact that I am bringing to the world is X or Y or Z. And if you can, again, frame that impact in the context of the human needs that are being that, whether yours others, then I think you will be getting on the right track to articulating a purpose. 

Taylorr: That makes perfect sense. 

Colton: But I will share with you guys. I have a two slide guide to creating your purpose statement.

Austin: Sweet.

Colton: And will make sure you guys get it after the episode.

Taylorr: Yeah man.

Austin: Perfect.

Taylorr: The show notes you guys go check them out, click all those links. It’s going to be loaded this time around. [Inaudible audio 20:33] sharing those Colt.

Colton: Sure.

Taylorr: So hey, one of those marketing principles I saw on the website, when we were doing our research was, assume nothing. It’s probably one of my favourites on the list. I would be curious to hear what your favourite is after we kind of break down a few of these [cross-talk 20:43]

Colton: This is the…

Taylorr: Most important but…

Colton: Appreciate you asking this one, it’s a hard lesson learned honestly.

Taylorr: Yeah, tell me about that.

Colton: I get myself excited. You probably notice that.

Taylorr: What? No.

Colton: I mean…

Taylorr: Business owners, what do you mean?

Colton: Oh sure.

Austin: A lot of passion there.

Colton: I get myself excited about a campaign or a commercial concept, a video or an ad, like a print ad. And this is great and I can get other people excited and it’s actually one of the things that has harmed me in this way is that I find that I can get other people excited about something pretty easily, like internal of an organization. And this should really move our audience or this is going to attract a lot of views or the likes and shares and comments on this is going be me through the roof because we think it’s cool or I got you to agree that it was cool. Ultimately what I have found is really hold that loosely because it’s the market that will tell you what is working. What is attracting them. What is getting them to follow through on the CTA. 

Yeah you might have gotten them to laugh a lot and you even might have gotten them to share a video or an ad or something like that, got some great traction and made its way around your market, so to speak, but if it did not actually get to the economic output that you were looking for, the ROI that you’re aiming for, it was not successful. You just have to say that was not it. So I have made a lot of assumptions about what would move and drive and inspire, that have been wrong. And I learned great things along the way, but ultimately it is the data tells you what is winning. And I have to sort of put that there’s some ego you got to put aside when you find that something you were sure was going hit did not hit.

But once you start to accept that you can bring more ideas at once and say, look, we don’t know what, which one is going to work, but let’s do three at a time. I really love this one, but my market’s going to tell me where to win. And you find where to win with that AB or ABC iteration testing. And then you, oh this one’s working okay. I’m going reiterate on that, tweak it here and there. I’m going do another AB or ABC round. That’s how I have found you can win with consistency.

Taylorr: Yeah, man. And I know for a lot of the listeners, chiming into the episode today, I think some of this we’re talking about pretty heavy marketing stuff, AB testing, ABC testing. I mean many people are not even maybe doing even basic reporting on the onset. So I want to take a second to just highlight that the importance of this idea of iteration and having a feedback loop of some mechanism because I mean, what it sounds like Colt and correct me if I’m wrong here, but if we have a mechanism that’s telling us whether or not we’re doing things right or wrong or favourably or unfavourably let’s say. Then we can do more of the things that are working favourably for us. And I feel like a lot of business owners, I mean the what? The 96% let’s say, might not even have that feedback loop in place that can tell them what they are doing is right or wrong. So I’m curious from your own perspective, are you yourself Colt, a data oriented person or is that something you had to learn?

Colton: It is something that I had to learn, but once I learned it, I would say I became…

Taylorr: Became it. Yeah.

Colton: I became more powerful. Yeah. It was like…

Austin: Nice.

Colton: Achievement unlocked kind of situation.

Taylorr: Yeah. 

Colton: And I…

Taylorr: Level up.

Colton: Used tools. These are pretty accessible tools. MailChimp, HubSpot…

Taylorr: Yeah, for sure.

Colton: Marketing automation, they all have data even the Google analytics suite pretty powerful for me. And I have learned that being just passionately inspired by something internal of an organization gets you so far, but some people they are driven by data, not passion. And I used to sort of, ah they just don’t get it. What I thought about those folks. But I realize they are playing critical roles in the business absolutely needed, their enrolment essential, and I was going to have to expand my own mode of operation in order to find success in that.

Austin: And yeah, I love that. Well, it goes to show that you can become something that you’re not. And I think this is kind of an intimidating subject for a lot of people that may not have any experience in this area. Even just identifying what numbers are even important. Let’s say somebody that’s not a native to Google analytics hops into Google analytics, like their brain melts.

Colton: It’s a lot of information.

Taylorr: It’s a lot of information.

Austin: Yeah. But honestly, I have learned this about myself just as I have tried to improve my ability to understand data. And it’s just that looking, just paying attention, just even opening up the analytics and [Inaudible audio 25:18]…

Taylorr: Watching.

Austin: You will be able to notice patterns and trends and it’s nuance. It’s never one big, final finale that tells you whether or not something work. You just have to look for the trends and the patterns and your brain has to be trained to recognize those patterns. So I just want to encourage anybody that is like me that may feel overwhelmed on the onset of trying to measure your success that by just doing, even if it’s done badly, even if you don’t fully understand just by paying attention probably over time, it will improve. And maybe that is your experience too Colt.

Colton: Damn, Austin, that’s good guidance man. Really that’s so true. I think what you just did is you delivered the first rung of the ladder to a lot of people.

Taylorr: Yeah.

Colton: Because it just, unless you have a first rung to step on or grab on, it’s like, I can’t get up there. I don’t know how to do that. It just seems so out of reach. But I think what you just said, it’s so spot on. Thank you for saying that.

Austin: No, it’s my pleasure. Sometimes good things come out of this mouth. Not always, but sometimes.

Taylorr: So out of all your eight marketing principles Colt, is there one that really stands out as maybe the key? The thing that if we were to ignore maybe the rest of them, that one of them would be the one to focus on?

Colton: I think it might be expressive personality.

Taylorr: Oh yeah?

Colton: Yeah. And the reason I feel that is because until you really declare who you’re, like either as an individual or as a business, people don’t have something to grab onto. I see a lot of people and I’m guilty of it myself. I can see, as I look back at my earliest material, it’s like I tried to be something instead of just me. The closer I got to just being me, the more I found that the people who dug what I was doing were in and the people who weren’t going to dig it were already out. 

Austin: This is becoming a recurring pattern here.

Taylorr: I want everyone just to listen, hang on to those words, because I think one of the things we find a lot Colt, working with, personal brands is they’re just grasping at any type of business. They’re trying to make themselves fit into a box that they were never meant to be in and that’s uncomfortable, you grow frustrated with the business, you don’t feel like you can be the person you’re, you feel restricted, kind of all of those things. You kind of question why you’re doing the whole thing in the first place. You’ve really got to lean into just who you’re and that’s okay that people aren’t going to dig your jam. We have a psychedelic looking cat on our website for crying out loud and that’s not everyone’s thing, but it adds a little bit of personality and flare. And for those that enjoy that type of thing, then we’re going to get along great with those people and our life is going be awesome because of it.

Colton: Totally.

Taylorr: Not being afraid to just be yourself in business. It’s just, it’s key.

Colton: It’s so key.

Austin: Yeah, plus it’s more fun and fulfilling.

Taylorr: It’s more fun. You could be yourself.

Colton: It so is and I think that it’s going to be even more and more important. Because connection, it’s like all the time, our ability to create connection gets constrained and constrained and constrained. Especially through COVID now we’re just separated from people, we’re just so separated as humans from each other. I just don’t think we were created this way. It’s not the way we were supposed to be. So when you find somebody who’s being genuine. You guys, so genuine, I mean I appreciate the way that you approached your podcast. It’s like, that’s so attractive, man. You just want to hang out in the genuineness of it.

Austin: No there’s something about real and in a world where it’s never been easier to not be real, it’s a differentiators.

Taylorr: 100%.

Austin: It makes you stand out. [cross-talk 28:53].

Taylorr: Well it goes back to the beginning of this show, right? Where like you can have an impact as a small business. You can beat out the larger people, the more established people by just having a personality.

Colton: So true.

Taylorr: Crazy. Colt, man, this has been an awesome episode. I feel like we could talk about this forever. I feel like we’re going to have to unpack the other like principles here in another episode soon.

Colton: Love it. I would love it.

Taylorr: Yeah. So yeah. I mean, thank you for providing so much value today. What are some of the things you’re working on right now that our listeners can benefit from?

Colton: Well, thank you for asking that. I just posted in the resources section a piece called How To Be The Most Creative Person In The Room. And this is 10 tactics for building up your creativity. I think one of the things that I’ve learned is much like athletic capability, creative capability. It’s something that you can build. You can work out your creative capability and really expand it. This has been kind of a major insight for me as I see so many people who would say, oh that person is so creative as if it’s a thing you’re born with, but it’s a thing anyone can be. And once you understand the exercises, you can undertake on your own or with an accountability coach, To become that more creative person. So if you have that sense where you’ve been watching in the boardroom, somebody else always has an idea before you do or they’re just always turned to because they can come up with a solution. You want to be that person, build up your creativity and this would be one way that you can make that happen.

Taylorr: Yeah. Wow. Sweet. Thank you so much for providing those resources. Definitely. Everyone go check those out and you know, Hey, if you like this episode, don’t forget to rate it, like it, subscribe to it. And if you want more awesome resources like this, go to speakerflow.com/resources. Thank you so much for chiming in. I just wanted to take a second to thank our sponsor Auxbus. Auxbus is the all-in-one suite of tools you need to run your podcast. And it’s actually what we run here at Speaker Flow for Technically Speaking. It makes planning podcasts simple, it makes recording podcasts simple; it even makes publishing podcasts to the masses simple and quite honestly, Technically Speaking, wouldn’t be up as soon as it is without Auxbus. Thank you so much Auxbus and if you’re interested in checking Auxbus out, whether you’re starting a podcast or you have one currently get our special offer auxbus.com/speaker flow, or click the link below in our show notes.

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