How to Build Your Speaking Reputation

Picture of Jack Hayes

Jack Hayes

Jack Hayes is the Director of Champions (UK) Plc and Champions Speakers Agency. He is also a founding member of the European Association of Speakers Bureaux (EASB).

Jack Hayes

Jack Hayes is the Director of Champions (UK) Plc and Champions Speakers Agency. He is also a founding member of the European Association of Speakers Bureaux (EASB).
Featured Image for How To Build Your Speaking Reputation - SpeakerFlow

In the speaking industry, reputation can separate the high-fliers from the forgotten speakers. Event organizers place a great deal of trust in speakers, as the success of their function rests in the hands of the personality they book. Therefore, establishing a credible speaking reputation can increase the number of events you are booked for, as it attracts potential clients. 

As Director of Champions Speakers, I am always on the lookout for fresh speaking potential – the types of innovators who have a valuable message or story to tell. With new speakers joining the industry every single day, I regularly use my decade of experience to sign, promote, and book top talent for events across the globe, building these speakers the reputation they deserve. 

Take a look at my selection of techniques for strengthening your speaking reputation on the speaking circuit, including how to sign with a speakers’ agency, below. 

Hone Your Brand

In the speaking industry, branding is everything. Event organizers want to know exactly what you can offer, whether that be a motivational speech or a keynote address, within seconds of meeting you. So, the first step to building your speaking reputation is to reflect upon what you want that reputation to be by strengthening your brand. 

To start, ask yourself: “What type of speaker am I?”. Do you wish to enlighten, educate, or entertain? Deciding what you wish to offer audiences is a valuable step in branding yourself, as it ensures that you thrive within your specific sector. After dinner speakers are famed for their entertainment value, for example, while motivational speakers leave audiences with a new perspective. Staying true to these defining traits will refine your reputation. 

I understand that some speakers fall into various categories. A psychologist, for example, may speak for both industry events and motivational workshops on mental wellbeing. If you are looking to diversify your brand, make sure that your core message remains clear. If you will excuse the cliché, the most reputable speakers stay true to who they are. 

Sign with an Agency

When you sign with a speakers’ agency, you are placing your speaking reputation in the hands of industry experts. With well over a decade of experience, at Champions Speakers I display only the most engaging, professional speakers on the Champions’ website, building both their reputation and ours. Joining a bureau will not just prove credibility, but also increase your likelihood of being booked for events – what is not to love?

How do I sign with a speakers’ agency?

Speaking on behalf of Champions, the easiest way to sign with a speakers’ agency is to simply get in touch. I am always on the lookout for exciting and innovative speakers and have signed both established professionals and rising talents. The best speakers have natural confidence.

Sound like you? Once you contact our team, we will then request information about your speaking career, so our team can perfectly promote your service on our website. From there, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and wait for speaking requests!

Build Your Online Presence

One of the most common ways to book a speaker is via the internet. From speakers’ agencies to your own website and social media platforms, each online facet is a potential booking opportunity. However, simply creating a website is not enough to captivate your audience, its style, tone, and theme must also capture your brand.

When a potential client visits your website, they will make a first impression based on how you promote your speeches. Consider what you wish to offer the speaking circuit and your specific hook, the unique trait that will set you apart from the crowd. Whether you have cracked the code for high-performance teamwork or are a bestselling author, make sure to use your knowledge and experience as the groundwork of your speaking reputation.

Regarding your social media, online platforms are a great way to build a reliable, loyal fanbase. Sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allow you to connect with audiences directly, as well as build a positive reputation through authentic communication and regular posts. Promoting your bookings online can send a clear message to future clients – I am an in-demand, respected speaker. 

Collect Positive Reviews

Every event you are booked for is an opportunity to build your speaking reputation. Aside from your client’s professional network via word of mouth, positive reviews should be highlighted on your website, increasing the likelihood of future bookings. As a marketing tactic, testimonials add authenticity and credibility to your brand, as they encourage clients to trust you.

In a recent study, it was found that positive reviews result in a 62% increase in revenue from consumers, and the speaking industry is no different. With 92% of people saying that they read testimonials prior to opening their wallets, requesting feedback from previous bookings can drastically improve your speaking reputation.

Aside from being easily accessible content for your website, authentic testimonials serve another purpose than simply generating trust. They can also counteract any negative or even neutral reviews you may receive. Reputation is a fickle mistress – it can be dismantled just as quickly as can be built. Positive testimonials create a sturdy foundation to balance any negative reviews you may receive and safeguard your reputation. 

Perfect Your Speech

An established speaking reputation usually comes to those speakers who perfect their craft. If you are good at what you do and have had ample opportunity to prove it at events, you are well on your way to becoming a reputable speaker. Talent plays a key role in building industry-wide respect, but so does professionalism, likeability, and a memorable speech. 

Let us start with technology. Do you have access to high-quality microphones, speakers, projectors, and slick presentations? A speaker is only as engaging as their ability to be heard. So, investing in a basic collection of speaker-specific tech is a great way to prove your credible reputation. Event organizers want to book the full package, especially if they are organizing an online seminar. Make sure that you are the full package!

Many audiences are visual learners, so will remember your infographics and eye-catching visuals just as much as your speaking topics. Consider pairing your speech with a simple, accessible presentation, that will build your reputation as a speaker for the people. 


A strong speaking reputation depends on your image. How you brand yourself online, via speakers’ agencies and through word of mouth can make the world of difference, as it ensures that you are the go-to speaker for a specific style of event. Firstly, decide what you want to offer the speaking circuit and how you wish to promote yourself. Then, make sure to collect the outstanding reviews that are sure to come your way!

For more information about Champion Speakers, check out their website or call them directly at +0 (207) 1010-553. Special thanks, too, to Champion Speakers’s director, Jack Hayes for his insights in this guide.

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