Frequently Asked Questions

About The System 💻

Definitely. You’ll be able to keep track of literally every revenue stream your business has to offer – guaranteed. Not only that, but most of our clients aren’t “just speakers”. We work with anyone who wants to leverage the stage. Either as a primary revenue stream or as a marketing vehicle.

Possibly! If you’re someone who acknowledges the need for systems to help you stay organized and grow more quickly, you would be a great fit for our system. The thing to know about SpeakerFlow is that we don’t help launch brands, develop keynotes, or figure out what you sell. We’re a software company that’s designed an operating system to run your whole business under one roof. We’re not specialists in speaker coaching.

No, it’s not. Rather than surcharging on Zoho’s price (which we could do as partners), we’re passing those savings on to you. In fact, we have you go straight through Zoho for your monthly payment. We only make money on the one-time fee – aside from a small commission on your monthly payment to Zoho.

You can go to and sign up for a free trial if you’d like, but it won’t have any of our customizations applied to it. You can only experience those customizations by reading through our site or scheduling a strategy session with us. We can’t offer free access to our customizations within Zoho One since there’s a ton of work that goes into setting up each account on our end.

Fear not, though! You can still get a feel for Zoho and all they have to offer through their free 30-day trial.

Definitely! Zoho has an inbuilt competitor to Zapier called Flow and an open API. There are many ways to get your tech to talk to Zoho.

Great question! Flow Zone+ is designed for folks with either sophisticated systems or with a lot of different systems they want brought under one roof. If you have any of the following that you want us to translate to Zoho, you need Flow Zone+:

  • Landing Pages
  • eCommerce
  • Multiple Brands Integrated
  • Email Drip Sequences
  • Zapier Automation Rebuilds
  • Custom Development

Power Up: This is our DIY tier. We’ll set the account up, apply our customizations, install all the Flow Stack apps listed above, and configure your email settings for you. Past that point, it’s up to you to use it and optionally, migrate data into it. There’s no live training but, you have access to our email support.

Flow Zone: This is for folks who want the hand-holding and done-for-you approach to setting up the system. We’ll handle all your migrations and work with you over 90 days to speed up the learning curve. This has live training and elevated support.

Flow Zone+: This is for folks who want everything in Flow Zone plus, want to move their intricate and/or complex systems over. If you’re using things like landing pages, have eCommerce, email drip sequences, or custom automation via Zapier, this is the tier for you.

We sure do! It’s an awesome integration, too. Here’s a link to learn more:

Wow, where to start? At this point, we have over 5000 hours of research and development into Zoho for this industry. We’ve perfected all the fields our clients need to keep track of relationships, the analytics, and the way all the Zoho apps need to be set up to work flawlessly with one another.

The long and short of it is when you sign up for Zoho One out of the box, it’s a completely blank slate. You have to customize the living daylights out of it to be tailored to your business. We’ve done that for you and help you iterate on it.

About The Process ⚙️

You sure can – but you won’t have access to our customizations, the community, the course, or any of the training around using the Zoho One ecosystem. You also won’t have access to us for support. You’d have to go through Zoho instead. This is a big deal because we have context for your business model being in the thought-leadership space. Zoho doesn’t. That context is valuable for solving super specific problems and for customizing your account.

Great question! After you purchase, we’ll get to work creating the Zoho account and applying all of our customizations. We’ll then move on to developing the account and integrating all the Flow Stack apps listed above. Then, we’ll hand the account off to you to take it and run with it. There’s no live training but you’ll have access to our support email and mastery courses. From start to finish, it’s 10-14 days for you to be using the account.

While we will obviously avoid this scenario at all costs, we understand sometimes it’s just not a good fit. If you’re a Power Up, Flow Zone, or Flow Zone+ customer, we’ll happily offer a partial refund on the project. You can cancel your subscription with Zoho at any point as well.

Yes, if you sign up under our Flow Zone+ tier. Landing page rebuilds, ecommerce set up, multi-brand setup, and a few other items aren’t included in either Power Up or Flow Zone.

Generally speaking, yes. There are a few exceptions, however. We don’t migrate your accounting system (we’re not financial experts), learning management systems, or membership platforms.

If you’re in our Flow Zone+ tier, yes. Often, we need to set up tools like Zoho Landing Page, Zoho Commerce, Zoho Forms, and others outside of the Flow Stack.

This is only for folks who are in our Unlimited ongoing plan. This plan is optional and our clients generally sign up for this after our initial implementation. Unlimited implementation means anything you need fixed, built, customized, or set up in Zoho, you can consider done. Your time isn’t valuably spent monkeying with tech. We created our unlimited plan so you could have a partner to build out anything you can verbalize.

You’ll also always have access to our training content and community. One thing to note: Support is different than implementation. Support is designed to point you in the right direction or solve technical problems. Implementation is us actively building new things in your account. If you want implementation after our work together, that’s what our ongoing options are for (see the toggle above the pricing table).

Fair question! Ultimately, the goal of using systems is that you’re saving more time than you previously were. However, there’s a level of investment you should account for before you get there.

With Power Up, you won’t have to lift a finger to get your account set up. The only time investment to consider is the training and learning curve. With Flow Zone and Flow Zone+, we find our clients spend about 3 hours between the Assessment and Investigate phase. Then, after that, it’s hands-free and we handle the build. But, like Power Up, there’s a learning curve and training you’ll want to go through after you’re in the system.

If you take all of our training and work through the learning curve, we find that things really start to click for our clients around the 20-hour mark. Don’t let that scare you because that’s spread out over 90 days!

For Power Up, since we’re only building the account out, not running migrations, and not doing live training, 10-14 days. For Flow Zone and Flow Zone+, since this is our white-glove migration and delivery, you’ll be fully up to speed in 60-90 days, though you’ll be using the account well before then.

This depends on if you’re a Power Up or Flow Zone/Flow Zone + client.

  • With Power Up, you’re able to make use of the Zoho trial, which is 30 days.
  • With Flow Zone and Flow Zone+, it’s usually 2-4 weeks before you start paying Zoho.

Zoho has limitations while in the free trial that make it difficult for us to migrate your data in and unlock core features. So, after our Assessment and Investigation phase we’ll have you complete initial set up tasks which include moving to the paid Zoho tier so we can migrate your systems flawlessly.

About Us 👋

Zoho One is the most extensive and feature-rich platform we’ve ever discovered. By building on Zoho One, we’re able to pass savings on to our users rather than creating a ground-up solution. On top of that, Zoho One comes with 45+ other apps free of charge with your subscription. It’s simply the best “bang for the buck” and we’re all about providing value.

We also needed a platform where we could build custom solutions for this industry. Zoho’s unmatched in its ability to be developed into. Plus, finding help is SO easy outside of SpeakerFlow. If you head to Fiverr or Upwork there are tens of thousands of people ready and able to help you with Zoho.

Yes! We designed our Ongoing Implementation tiers for people who want our implementation after our initial work together. You can select from one-off, a-la-carte orders, maintenance, or unlimited implementation.

Note: Don’t confuse our Ongoing Implementation tiers with the monthly Zoho fee. You’ll always have to pay the monthly user fee for Zoho.

For background info on SpeakerFlow and bios for our team members, check out our Who We Are page. That said, if you want to connect with us directly, schedule a demo below! 👇Whatever your questions, concerns, or unique circumstances may be, we’re here to help you tackle them and level up your systems with confidence (and the support of our entire team). 

Want To Learn More?

Schedule a demo with us! We’ll explore the operating system and how it can use it to run your business in one place.

Note: We’re not a coaching company, speaker agency, or bureau. If you’re not interested in systems, we’re probably not a fit yet.

Improve Your Systems in 10 Minutes or Less

Running your business doesn’t have to be a grind. Take our free Systems Check Up to identify the systems you need to stay out of the weeds once and for all.