When it comes to content, almost every industry has a ton of information to offer. Whether you’re looking for blog articles, free workbooks, or online courses, the internet is full of resources, and the speaking industry is no exception. However, with such an abundance of tips and tricks, it’s also hard to know which are worth looking at. Among speakers, specifically, this problem is popping up more and more as one key area of content becomes a staple in the industry: speaker podcasts.
Because of their simple and authentic structure, podcasts have exploded among both speaking business owners and their audiences. For the former, they’re an easy-to-learn and engaging way to share content and gain exposure. For the latter, they’re a convenient way to access content across a variety of disciplines, generally for free.
Considering these benefits, this blog is all about the latest and greatest speaker podcasts. Here, we’ll cover ten of the most popular podcasts currently circulating among speakers. We’ll aslo cover the speakers, organizations, and industry experts behind them. That way, if you’re looking for inspiration for your own podcast, you have a solid set of examples. Conversely, if you’re simply looking for content, you can begin listening with confidence. 👍
- 1. The Wealthy Speaker Podcast with Jane Atkinson
- 2. The Speaker Lab Podcast with Grant Baldwin
- 3. The SpeakersU Podcast with James Taylor
- 4. Voices of Experience from the National Speakers Association
- 5. Paid to Speak with Kent Julian
- 6. The Toastmasters Podcast with Bo Bennett, Ryan Levesque, and Greg Gazin
- 7. TED Talks Daily from the TED Organization
- 8. World of Speakers with Ryan Foland
- 9. Speaking… of Getting Booked with Matt Brauning
- 10. Technically Speaking from SpeakerFlow
1. The Wealthy Speaker Podcast with Jane Atkinson

First and foremost is the Wealthy Speaker Podcast. Hosted by author, coach, and speaking industry alum Jane Atkinson, the Wealthy Speaker Podcast is one of the best-known resources within the speaking industry. It’s also one of the best established, making it attractive for a wide variety of guest speakers including Laurie Guest, Mark LeBlanc, and Orlando Bowen among other common industry names. The Wealthy Speaker Podcast even hosted our CEO and President, Taylorr and Austin respectively, back in 2019 for our episode “Systems to Help Scale Your Speaking Business.” Small world, right?
In total, these names belong to just a handful of the hundreds of episodes recorded over the last several years. Additionally, with more than 30 years of experience in the speaking industry, Atkinson is one of the only coaches to both have extensive experience and a digital presence. Because of this and the team behind her content, The Wealthy Speaker Podcast has become one of the most frequently updated speaker podcasts and a source of information for many established speakers. With this in mind, if you’re managing a growing speaking business and looking for ways to speed it up, the Wealthy Speaker Podcast is definitely worth checking out.
Recommended Episodes
- “Systems To Help Scale Your Speaking Business” with Taylorr Payne and Austin Grammon
- “Racial Injustice, Inspiring Change & The Speaking Business” with Orlando Bowen
- “Sweet Spot Pricing” with Laurie Guest
- “Money, Politics & Speaking: Recession-Proof Your Biz” with Andrew Busch
- “Judgment, Pivots & Do-Overs” with Jason Hewlett
2. The Speaker Lab Podcast with Grant Baldwin

Second in our list of speaker podcasts is the Speaker Lab Podcast. Hosted by speaker and former pastor Grant Baldwin, the Speaker Lab Podcast is another well-known presence in the speaking industry. It’s also one of the largest, and, with more than 300 episodes, has been around long enough to cover some of the most dramatic industry changes. Through those changes, it’s also been the host for an extensive range of speakers and topics. These include speakers of all experience levels along with experts from disciplines that cross paths with the speaking industry, such as marketing or web design.
In this way, the Speaker Lab, as a whole, has not only become a go-to resource for new and aspiring speakers. It’s also turned into one of the most approachable brands in the industry, offering a huge collection of advice, speaking insights, and resources completely free of charge. The Speaker Lab Podcast, in particular, highlights many of the components of speaking that tend to be overlooked, such as discouragement in sales or building the confidence needed to charge higher fees. Summarily, if you’re a new speaker and looking for reliable information to help you kick off your speaking business, the Speaker Lab Podcast is a good place to start.
Recommended Episodes
- “How to Prepare For When Things Go Wrong as a Speaker” with Melanie Deziel
- “How SEO Can Grow Your Speaking Business with Brian Dean” with Brian Dean
- “Speaking Your Life’s Story” with Josh Sundquist
- “How Passion Can Fuel Your Speaking Success” with Kindra Hall
- “How To Diversify Your Speaking Income Right Now” with Neen James
3. The SpeakersU Podcast with James Taylor

Third, our next standout in the world of speaker podcasts is the SpeakersU podcast. Hosted by experienced speaker James Taylor, the SpeakersU podcast functions as a component of the larger SpeakersU brand. Within this organization, Taylor regularly shares straightforward and up-to-date information, the vast majority of which is free and all of which is designed to help speakers of varying degrees of experience. Looking at the podcast specifically, this information covers a wide assortment of topics, similarly to those of the Wealthy Speaker and Speaker Lab podcasts mentioned above, including how to increase your speaking fees and how to stand out from other speakers in your niche.
Additionally, the SpeakersU podcast is another example of a resource library that combines extensive experience with technological outreach. Like Grant Baldwin of the Speaker Lab Podcast, Taylor has extensive experience on stage. In fact, within his first year alone, Taylor established an impressive record of going from “being a newbie speaker to getting paid five-figure fees as a global keynote speaker.” Consequently, if you’re looking to follow in his footsteps, although the SpeakersU podcast isn’t the only solid resource to help you get there, it’s undeniably worth listening to.
Recommended Episodes
- “How To Get Feedback On Your Speeches”
- “How To Make More Of An Impact With Audiences”
- “Adding Residual Income To Your Speaking Business” with Julie Holmes
- “How To Make Your Speeches More Relatable”
- “What Top Keynote Speakers Can Learn From Comedians”
4. Voices of Experience from the National Speakers Association

Next of the speaker podcasts we’ll look at is another well-established source of information: The Voices of Experience podcast from the National Speakers Association (NSA). Established in 1973, the NSA currently has more than 3,000 professional speakers around the U.S. Although it functions partly as a certification body for members seeking the Certified Professional Speaker (CSP) award, the NSA also has prided itself on its ability to collect and share information throughout its member base, helping newer members find their footing and helping established speakers continue to navigate industry changes.
Likewise, the Voices of Experience podcast focuses largely on sharing information from their most experienced members. These include speakers like Bruce Turkel, Julie Holmes (our co-creator of SpeakerFlow CRM!), and other industry experts with decades of insights to share. Additionally, besides their speaker members, the Voices of Experience podcast also highlights the NSA’s vendors. These include well-known speaking business support brands, such as Video Narrative, Hey Mic, and even the SpeakerFlow leadership team. From websites to video production to business management, these professionals provide business information as well as speaking industry expertise. That way, whether you’re looking for speaking tips or technology recommendations, the Voices of Experience podcast is a solid starting point.
Recommended Episodes
- “Virtual Gamification” with Rob Ferre
- “Negotiate Like A Boss” with Linda Swindling and Greg Williams
- “eSpeakers- You’re Doing It Wrong… And Losing Money!” with Joe Heaps and Dave Reed
- “Speakers Guide to Video” with Jeannette Smith and Chris West
- “You Talking To Me? Customization & Accessibility” with Donna Mack and Gary Rifkin
5. Paid to Speak with Kent Julian

The next podcast is one of the newest speaker podcasts in this list, the Paid to Speak podcast. Another speaker-led resource, this podcast launched in February 2020 with NSA member and Certified Speaking Professional Kent Julian as host. In the Paid to Speak podcast, Julian covers a range of topics related to professional speaking, including how to balance your work and home lives as a full-time professional speaker and ways to stay motivated, even when the market is dramatically involving. Because, like several of the previous speaker podcasts, the host of the Paid to Speak podcast is an experienced speaker, this makes it a useful resource to keep in mind as you’re in the “startup” phase of your speaking business.
That said, because it’s so new, the Paid to Speak podcast does come with a few limitations. One of these limitations is simply the lack of guests. Unlike the previous speaker podcasts, the vast majority of Paid to Speak podcast episodes focus on Julian and his experience in the speaking industry without hosting additional experts to share their own views. Because of this, although it undoubtedly provides useful information, I recommend listening to the Paid to Speak podcast along with a few others in this list. That way, you have access to a variety of viewpoints and a wealth of information from across the industry rather than a single source.
Recommended Episodes
- “Speaker Agreement – The Importance of Your Cancelation Clause”
- “Speaking is a Relationship Business: 3 Important Insights”
- “3 Speaker Business Truths That Will Help You Get Booked”
6. The Toastmasters Podcast with Bo Bennett, Ryan Levesque, and Greg Gazin

Sixth in our speaker podcasts list is the Toastmasters Podcast, from – you guessed it – Toastmasters International. Since its establishment in 1924, Toastmasters has remained one of the oldest and most widely recognized organizations in the worldwide speaking industry. Today, with more than 300,000 members in over 140 countries, it’s also one of the largest. This reputation has not only made them a reliable source of industry-specific information from around the world. It’s also made their accreditation a goal for many speakers and their content a widely followed resource.
The Toastmasters Podcast, specifically, focuses much of this content on their members, similarly to the aforementioned Voices of Experience podcast from the NSA. Additionally, the podcast’s three hosts are all active members of the Toastmasters network, including Bo Bennett, Ryan Levesque, and Greg Gazin. Because of this, although it provides a useful platform for member highlights or announcements, the Toastmasters Podcast can be a bit limited in terms of content for non-members. In light of this, even though the Toastmasters Podcast is a reliable resource, its ideas are most useful when you supplement them with additional sources of information. Again, as mentioned with the Paid to Speak podcast, this gives you a better understanding of the speaking industry as a whole rather than speaking within a single group.
Recommended Episodes
- “Speechwriting, Communication and Stand-Up Comedy” with Meera Manek
- “Lessons from the Sound Booth, Stage & Screen” with Lili Wexu
- “Why Emotional Intelligence Matters” with Harvey Deutschendorf
- “Building Meaningful Connections” with Maureen Zappala
7. TED Talks Daily from the TED Organization

The next of our recommended speaker podcasts is another relatively new resource, the TED Talks Daily podcast. As you may have guessed, this podcast, like TED Talks, stems from the California-based TED Organization. As a whole, TED has created a massive amount of free and paid content since it began in 1984, including more than 3,500 TED Talks, over 33,000 local TEDx Events, and more than three decades of hosting the annual TED Conference. Combined, the goal of these resources and events is to share “ideas worth spreading” in the fields of technology, entertainment, and/or design (hence “TED”).
The TED Talks Daily podcast in particular distills a large percentage of this content into short and easily digestible audio clips, most of which are less than 20 minutes long. However, unlike the other podcasts in this list, TED Talks Daily covers topics both in and outside of the speaking industry. In this way, not only is it a source of inspiration for aspiring speakers. It’s also an uncommonly diverse collection of advice for all areas of life, in everything from mental health to marketing. As a result, if you’re looking for a consistently updated place to find both inspiration and information, the TED Talks Daily podcast is worth looking at (or listening to, rather). 🙂
Recommended Episodes
- “What You Discover When You Really Listen” with Hrishikesh Hirway
- “The Art Of Paying Attention” with Wendy MacNaughton
- “3 Rules For Better Work-Life Balance” with Ashley Whillans
- “How To Stop Languishing And Start Finding Flow” with Adam Grant
- “How Language Shapes The Way We Think” with Lera Boroditsky
8. World of Speakers with Ryan Foland

Number eight in our list of speaker podcasts is the World of Speakers podcast. Hosted by author, artist, and professional speaker Ryan Foland, this podcast is part of a network of content maintained through SpeakerHub, the self-described “fastest-growing community of professional, independent, or amateur public speakers and trainers who’d like to be found by companies, event organizers and schools”. Within this community, much of the content incorporates insights from the speakers on their roster. Although SpeakerHub maintains that they are “not a speaker agency,” this gives a certain degree of preference to well-established speakers rather than those still actively working to grow their speaking business.
Nevertheless, in a general sense, the World of Speakers podcast does manage to include a wide variety of experts. These experts range in profession from sales to communication to finance, creating an admirable balance between speaking advice and business advice overall. In doing so, the World of Speakers podcast isn’t simply a source of advice for becoming a better speaker. It’s also full of information for becoming a better speaking business owner. Because of this, whether you’re brand new to the speaking industry or well on your way, the World of Speakers podcast is worth considering as a growing library of audio content.
Recommended Episodes
- “Don’t Be A Speaker, Be The Speaker” with Ryan Avery
- “TEDx Advice From A TEDx Coach” with Igor Celikovic
- “Build A Thought-Leading Blog” with Neil Patel
- “Use Brain Science To Boost Your Confidence” with Alyssa Dver
- “Effective Speaker Websites” with Lauren Pibworth
9. Speaking… of Getting Booked with Matt Brauning

Next up and ninth in our list of speaker podcasts is the “Speaking… of Getting Booked” podcast. Another new addition to the speaking industry, this podcast launched in April 2019 with host Matt Brauning as a resource for both established and up-and-coming speakers. With almost two decades of speaking experience himself, like many of the hosts in this list, Brauning uses his platform as a way to both share insights from his own experience and highlight advice from others in the industry. These guests include NSA chapter presidents, event organizers, and even location-specific speaking experts, who focus on speaking within a niche (college campuses, cruises, etc.)
That said, although many of the episodes focus on important industry challenges, one of the downsides to the “Speaking… of Getting Booked” podcast is the limited number of episodes. Because of this, like the Paid to Speak and Toastmasters podcasts, “Speaking…of Getting Booked” is best listened to as a component of a larger speaking resource library. That way, not only are you able to benefit from Brauning’s advice. You’re also able to rely on larger and consistently updated platforms to fill in the gaps.
Recommended Episodes
- “Getting Paid To Speak At College Campuses” with Christy Whitman
- “How to Get Booked at HR Conferences” with Stephanie Angelo
- “Relationship Building To Get Booked” with Jamie Shibley
10. Technically Speaking from SpeakerFlow
Last but not least is the Technically Speaking podcast! Since we launched SpeakerFlow in spring 2019, we’ve prided ourselves on our ability to simplify the “business” aspect of managing a speaking business. Along these lines, Technically Speaking is all about effectively managing the back end of a speaking business and how you can optimize your own systems to create predictable revenue. Check out some of our most popular episodes below, and prepare to press “Play!” 🙌
Recommended Episodes

- “Technology Is A Lot Simpler Than You Think. Here’s Why.” with Crystal Washington
- “The Power Prospecting: Everything You Need to Know” with Sam Richter
- “An Inside Look Into A Bureau’s Perspective” with Maria Franzoni
- “The Journey of a Million-Dollar Speaker” with Simon T. Bailey
- “What It Takes To Be A 7-Figure Speaker” with James Taylor
For more information about podcasts in the speaking industry and why you may consider starting one of your own, check out our companion blog, “Why You’re Losing Money By Ignoring Podcasts (And How To Change That)”.
Additionally, if we missed a podcast or two in this guide, feel free to shoot us an email! We’re always on the hunt for updated information for speakers and their teams. Whether we’re talking podcasts or proposal software, insights into your own experience in the speaking industry are always welcome.
Note from the SpeakerFlow team: Please note that we, as a company, do not have an affiliate relationship or a similar agreement of any kind with the speaker podcasters mentioned in this list. This guide simply highlights a few that we found particularly noteworthy.